Randal R. Ketchem Photography - Random Image

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Sunday, December 9, 2007

Directed Abstracts

After my Thanksgiving Day abstract session I went out for another walk for abstracts. This time I tried to learn from my many mistakes (which you will never see!) and decided to do some more directed abstracts. What do I mean by directed? Images that are more recognizable, but still very impressionistic and abstract. My favorites are of many of the birch trees along my walk, like this one:

Birch Branch Impression
Birch Branch Impression

The branch point was high enough that I got a god amount of blue light from the sky in the shot. The branches are quite blurred, but still identifiable. The blur from the camera views like wide brush strokes.

I did others in the birch series at a lower angle, so they have a greener character, like this:

Birch Branches, Green Grass, Blue Sky
Birch Branches, Green Grass, Blue Sky

And this one:

Tall Birch, Green Grass
Tall Birch, Green Grass

I still looked for bigger subjects to get abstracts from, but, again, tried to be more directed. This was a lot harder and I threw away a lot of shots. The results are worth the effort, though. Here is an example:

Yellow Trees Painting Blue Sky
Yellow Trees Painting Blue Sky

As in my last post, all of these effects were done in camera by controlling the exposure so that I had enough time to move the camera. I shot at a longer focal length with a polarizer and a tight aperture. Pay attention to your histogram to check your exposure.

Let me know what you think, unless you do not like them. OK, OK, even if you do not like them.

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