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Sunday, August 12, 2007

Choosing a Tripod

For several years I have wanted a carbon fiber tripod. My photography takes me on long hikes and into remote regions, so I wanted the strength, durability and lack of weight that carbon fiber affords. I was looking at Gitzo, specifically the GT1540. While doing some hard comparing at Kenmore Camera, looking at several options and versions, I ran across the Bogen 190XPROB. But this is an aluminum tripod, you say. Yes, indeed it is. It is about 1.5 pounds heavier than the GT1540, too. But I really liked several features of this tripod. First, a built in bubble level on the legs. Second, the center column can rotate to horizontal without removing or unscrewing anything. Third, it is a solid tripod without too much weight. The center column sold me. I am starting to do a lot of macro work, so having that flexibility is a nice feature.

Now for a head. I wanted a ball head, and I wanted it light, especially since I was going with heavier legs. The Acratech V2 fit the bill quite nicely. I love this ball head! It is light yet solid, has a panoramic feature, and holds the camera exactly in place. Even with my D200 and Tamron 180mm 1:1 Macro, it does not budge. Sweet!

So, after years of waiting for carbon fiber legs, I went with aluminum. So far all is well.

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