Randal R. Ketchem Photography - Random Image

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I do not shoot a lot of pictures. Some people tell me they shoot thousands in a weekend. I do not know how. I can understand if the subject is sports or wildlife or something related since then the action has to be captured and several shots taken to get one that captures the moment, but for landscapes? Wow. Anyway, even though I may just take around 60 shots in a day, I still need a workflow. Mine is pretty simple.

First, I copy the image folder from the card using a card reader.

Next, I rename all of the images using their exif data. I use ExifRenamer and find that it does an excellent job. I name the images dyyyymmddhhmmss. The head 'd' is for digital. ExifRenamer can add numbers if you get more than one shot per second, which many of you do. I use yyyymmdd so that the images sort correctly, older to newer.

I then make folders for yyyymmdd and place the images for each day in their folder. I move this folders to my images folder. Thus ends the Finder side of the workflow.

Now I turn to Adobe Bridge to look at the images. I start by brutally editing and throwing any sub-par image away. That's right, in the trash and empty the trash. Gone. Deleted. All temptation removed from trying to "fix" the image. Just be sure that you do not toss out several of a series for HDR or selective exposure for later merging.

After editing I pick an image to work on and off I go! That's it. The next step is in the RAW converter, which I will save for later.

Let me know in the comments - what workflow do you use? I am especially interested in hearing from any Adobe Lightroom or Apple Aperture users. Should I move up from Adobe Bridge?

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